Sometimes the best measure of whether a piece of legislation is really good is when everyone simultaneously thinks the law is not enough while at the same time is over reaching. Read this op ed from the Times. Why Obamacare is a Conservative’s Dream –

Rewarding Good Teachers

Rewarding Good Teachers Compensation should be directed to incent behaviors you (or we) want.  True of Sales People, Entrepreneurs, and Teachers.   This article Frames the recent strikes in Chicago, and the need to push compensation to based upon the value that teachers add. Early part of Barry Diller’s interview on CNBC today.  Touches mobile, Facebook, running the business for the long run. (Source:

The time to act is now!

I tweeted about a great infographic on the national budget, deficit, and debt that the Washington Post put together. It is a little dated, but still applicable. It is awesome, go and read through it, play with it, and understand it. I then got this email. What a great way to understand the crisis that […]